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April 8th–13th, 2014 / Bucharest / Studio, Elvire Popesco & Union Cinemas / the 3rd Edition


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Monday, November 10, 2014


Luni, 17 noiembrie

18:00 - Up to the Border – A Personal View of the Berlin Wall
95 min. (Germania, 2012, doc.)
Regia/ By: Claus Oppermann, Gerald Grote

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Tunnel/ Der Tunnel, o dramă intensă bazată pe povestea adevărată a unui campion la înot care a fugit din Germania de Est, cu Alexandra Maria Lara într-unul dintre rolurile-cheie, va fi proiectat în închiderea Cinepolitica Extra Time miercuri, 19 noiembrie, de la 20.30, la Cinema Elvira Popescu. Evenimentul are loc între 17-19 noiembrie, la Elvira Popescu, și cuprinde șase filme premiate despre Germania divizată și dezbateri cu istorici, sociologi și politologi.

Thursday, November 6, 2014
Un moment de cotitură din istoria ultimului secol, căderea Zidului Berlinului, este tema celei de-a doua ediții a evenimentului Cinepolitica Extra Time, care va avea loc între 17 și 19 noiembrie, la Cinema Elvira Popescu din București. Seria de proiecții și dezbateri marchează 25 de ani de la prăbușirea Zidului și a simbolicei Cortine de Fier care a împărțit Europa în două. Șase filme și două dezbateri cu istorici, sociologi și politologi vor pune în discuție moștenirea Cortinei de Fier și zidurile ridicate în Europa ultimelor decenii.

Sunday, April 13, 2014
The film The Square / Al Midan, directed by Jehane Noujaim, an incisive documentary on the protests in Egypt, was awarded the Cinepolitica 2014 Trophy on Sunday evening, at Studio Cinema. The third edition of the Cinepolitica International Film Festival then closed with the screening of the blockbuster Back to 1942.

Friday, April 11, 2014
A meeting with Adelin Petrișor and his stories from North Korea, a ravaging documentary about “drug company genocide” and a blockbuster with Adrien Brody, during the closing of the festival, are just a few of the not to be missed event during the weekend, at Cinepolitica International Film Festival.

Thursday, April 10, 2014
After a full house opening ceremony on Tuesday, April 8th, at Studio Cinema, the third edition of Cinepolitica International Film Festival continues on Thursday and Friday with a selection of films submitted for the Academy Awards, a master class given by Cristian Tudor Popescu and a selection of powerful stories in the Panorama. The festival was opened by TV anchor Cătălin Ștefănescu and Cinepolitica director Copel Moscu.

Monday, April 7, 2014
The third edition of Cinepolitica International Film Festival starts on Tuesday, April 8th, at 8pm, at Cinema Studio, with the national premiere of the film Diplomacy, directed by Volker Schlöndorff. The Opening Ceremony will be presented by television anchor Cătălin Ștefănescu.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Ideological and economic censorship and the interference of politics in cinema are the topics of the two master classes given by filmmaker Serge Avedikian and filmologist Cristian Tudor Popescu in Bucharest, during Cinepolitica International Film Festival (April 8th-13th, Studio, Elvire Popesco and Union Cinemas).

Monday, March 31, 2014

Five intense films on topics such as the secret police, Nelson Mandela’s years in prison, the consequences of consumerism and the interference of politics with personal lives will be screened at Cinepolitica International Film Festival, in the Panorama, in a subsection dedicated to Eye on Films.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The opening ceremony of Cinepolitica International Film Festival takes place on Tuesday, April 8th, at 8pm, at Studio Cinema, and brings one of the most popular films from the latest Berlin Film Festival for the first time on Romanian screens: Diplomatie / Diplomacy, directed by Volker Schlöndorff.
